UNESCO World Geopark Recognized Joren Falls and Izu Peninsula Geopark Highlights

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Japan is known for its unique natural beauty and rich history, and the Izu Peninsula is one of the most beautiful examples of this, especially the area recognized as a UNESCO World Geopark.



Among them, Joren Falls, located in the center of the Izu Peninsula and selected as one of the top 100 waterfalls in Japan, is a natural symbol of the area.




The beauty of this waterfall and the Izu Peninsula Geopark is a living testimony to the geological greatness and history of Japan.




This article explores in detail the Izu Peninsula Geopark, which has received UNESCO World Geopark status, and its jewel, Joren Waterfall, and the beauty and learning opportunities the area offers.




The breathtaking view of the waterfall from the new observation deck and other geologically significant geo-sites, as well as valuable information on exploring the Izu Peninsula Geopark, will give you the opportunity to experience this hidden gem of an area.




What is Izu Peninsula Geopark?



Criteria for UNESCO World Geopark Recognition



UNESCO World Geopark status recognizes that a region's geological heritage is well protected and used for sustainable regional development.



Areas receiving certification are required to provide educational and tourism programs through geological features and natural and cultural heritage that contribute to the economic development of the local community.




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Origin and Characteristics of Izu Peninsula Geopark



The Izu Peninsula was recognized as a UNESCO World Geopark in 2018 due to its geological features and rich natural environment.



The Izu Peninsula Geopark is an area that includes many geosites (sites of geological significance), which introduce visitors to the geological, natural, and cultural heritage of the region.





The natural beauty of Joren Falls


Formation and Characteristics of Joren Waterfall



Located in the center of the Izu Peninsula, Joren Falls, with its 25-meter drop and 7-meter width, is one of the largest waterfalls in Izu and has been selected as one of the 100 best waterfalls in Japan.




The waterfall is named after a temple that was once built near the falls.



Mystery of the cobalt blue of the waterfall basin



The cobalt blue color of the waterfall basin attracts many tourists with its unique beauty.




This beautiful color is created by the composition of the groundwater and the reflection of sunlight, and the rock face of the waterfall basin is covered with a colony of Joren ferns, a natural treasure.



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Joren Waterfall Tourist Center and nearby attractions



Spectacular view from the new observation deck



From the new observation deck, which was constructed by Izu City, visitors can safely view the falls, which until now could only be seen by descending a steep flight of stairs.



It is barrier-free and wheelchair accessible.




Other Highlights of Izu Peninsula Geopark



The Izu Peninsula Geopark has many other attractions in addition to Joren no Taki Waterfall.




For example, there are geologically significant sites, hiking trails that allow visitors to appreciate the natural beauty of the area, and museums and regional centers where visitors can learn about local culture and history.



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Information for Access and Visitors



How to get to Joren Falls



Joren no Taki Waterfall can be reached by bus from either Shuzenji Station or Kawazu Station.



It is also easily accessible by car, and parking is available nearby.




Tips for exploring Izu Peninsula Geopark



Exploring the Izu Peninsula Geopark can be done efficiently by using maps and guidebooks to explore the area's attractions.



We also recommend that you visit a local tourist information center for the most up-to-date information.




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This article focuses on the Izu Peninsula Geopark, which has been certified as a UNESCO World Geopark, and its most beautiful waterfall, Joren no Taki.




The Izu Peninsula Geopark offers many geosites of geological importance and natural beauty, and Joren no Taki Waterfall is one of the most popular destinations.




In addition, the new observation deck and barrier-free facilities have made it a popular destination for many people.




The Izu Peninsula Geopark and Joren no Taki Waterfall are much loved by many people as places where they can spend a pleasant time while experiencing nature and history.




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