Strawberry picking at Hiramatsu Kanko Aguris Hamanako! The quality and size are outstanding!

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Shizuoka Prefecture is blessed with a mild climate and is known as one of the most delicious strawberry-growing areas in Japan, where you can taste freshly picked juicy strawberries on the spot!




There are many places where you can pick strawberries.




Among these, the Hiramatsu Kanko Agriz Hamanako introduced here is by far the most popular strawberry picking spot in Shizuoka Prefecture.





Hiramatsu Kanko Agriz Hamanako




Hiramatsu Kanko Aguris Hamanako is located 5 minutes by car from Tateyamaji Smart I.C. on the Tomei Expressway, and from mid-December to mid-May, visitors can enjoy strawberry picking with slightly different varieties depending on the season.



The fee is 1,850 yen for elementary school students and older.




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All-you-can-eat strawberries for 30 minutes




You can enjoy all-you-can-eat of up to three kinds of ripe strawberries for 30 minutes.




*Prices may be lower toward the end of the season, such as April.





Strawberry varieties



Here you will find a large selection of strawberry varieties, including the popular Shohime and Benihoppe, as well as the more unusual Kirappika.




However, the variety is determined randomly on a daily basis, so this may not be suitable for those who are particular about which variety they want to eat. If you are particular about the variety, this may not be the right choice for you.




Still, all varieties are prepared in a delicious, bright red state, so I am sure you will be satisfied no matter which day you go.




The excitement of not knowing which variety you will be able to eat until the day of the event is also enjoyable.




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Reservations are recommended.




Since it is a very popular spot, it is recommended to make reservations through internet sites such as Jalan before going.




It seems that you can get in on the day of the visit if you wait, but if you can set a time in advance, it is better to make a reservation so that you can get in smoothly.




It can be difficult to make reservations during busy seasons, so it is safer to have several potential dates in mind.




Admission Procedures



Entering the spacious grounds, one finds a row of plastic greenhouses.




Declare the name of your reservation to the information desk staff, receive a map and a numbered ticket, and get in line.




Fees can be paid during this waiting period or online at the same time when booking online.




The guide will sort out the houses and move on.




Houses are scattered throughout the site and are accessible by car.




After moving to the greenhouses and handing over the numbered tickets given at the reception desk, it is time to start picking strawberries.



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Strawberry picking starts




There are also attendants in the greenhouses who will carefully explain how to pick and choose strawberries.




Also, the strawberries are planted rather high, so even tall adults could easily pick strawberries without bending down, so their backs did not hurt.





Even our kindergartener was able to pick strawberries by herself because they were just at eye level.




On the other hand, it is a little high, so I thought it would be nice for a small child who would touch anything at random to not be able to reach it.




It is also nice to know that condensed milk can be refilled freely here.




The attendant was very friendly and even asked my child, "Do you want more condensed milk?"



There's a big, sweet one over here."



He called out to us with such comments as "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.




There are so many berries that you can eat a full meal in 30 minutes.




They are all so sweet and delicious that they don't need condensed milk, but since there are so many strawberries that you can eat them all the time, even with condensed milk as a taste change in the second half of the meal, they are delicious.




It is very warm inside the plastic greenhouses, so it is recommended to wear clothes that you can take off.




In addition to strawberry picking, there is a store like a roadside station, selling freshly grown vegetables, flowers, and sweets such as strawberry daifuku.




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Also selling fresh vegetables, flowers, strawberry daifuku, etc.




I especially recommend the vegetables, as there are many varieties and the prices are unbeatable.




Of course, you can also buy strawberries in packs to take home as souvenirs.




I purchased strawberry seedlings planted in planters.





There are also packs of strawberries in bulk for a bargain price, so you can buy them and freeze them at home, or enjoy them as jam, etc.





Free parking available



There is a free parking lot, which is large enough to accommodate large cars and campers.




The only disappointment was that the restrooms were a bit old, but not enough to be uncomfortable as they were cleaned properly.




Next to the reception area there was a clean restroom with diaper changing sheets.



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The quality and size of the strawberries are outstanding!




I have had strawberry picking experiences elsewhere, but the quality and size of the strawberries here are unsurpassed.




They are all sweet, juicy, and have no hassles.




The plastic greenhouses were clean and free of trash and dust, and there were no damaged strawberries.




I got the impression that the farmers are paying close attention to every detail.




I visited during the Corona Disaster and was given a free face shield so I could enjoy strawberry picking without worry.




There are also a variety of facilities in the surrounding area, so it is worth the trouble to stop by during your trip.




I made this place my main plan and my whole family enjoyed it.




It is easy to get to from Tokyo by taking the expressway, so please visit for a short spring trip.



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