No need to worry about raising children, as we found out when we moved to Mishima! Mishima City's well-developed support system

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My family and I moved from Tokyo to Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture two years ago.




The reason I considered relocating was because I wanted to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and lead a more relaxed life surrounded by nature.




They also wanted an environment where their children could grow up in a relaxed and nurturing environment.




The reason why we chose Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture, was because of the following advantages





Environment rich in nature and friendly to the body



Mishima City enjoys fresh air and delicious water, with clean water from Mt.




In addition, the mild climate is pleasant throughout the year and there is no snowfall.




The vegetables and fruits grown in the volcanic ash mineral-rich soil are also delicious and provide a healthy diet.



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Easy access to Tokyo



Mishima City has Mishima Station on the Tokaido Shinkansen Line, which takes about 50 minutes to Tokyo.




I work remotely but need to travel to Tokyo several times a month.




I use the Shinkansen at that time, which is less crowded and more comfortable.




There are also express buses available, and for those traveling by car, there are expressways in place.



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Easy access to nearby attractions




From Mishima City, Hakone, Atami, Izu, Fuji, and other tourist attractions can be reached by car in about an hour.




There are a variety of leisure facilities such as ocean, mountains, and hot springs, and the beauty of nature can be enjoyed in each of the four seasons.




On my days off, I spend quality time with my family, often going for drives and picnics.


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Excellent childcare support




Mishima City provides a variety of support for the child-rearing generation.



Shizuooka Child Rearing Benefit Card Project



For example, the "Shizooka Child Rearing Benefit Card Project" provides discounts and other services at sponsor stores and facilities in the prefecture.



subsidies for children's medical expenses



The "Children's Medical Expense Subsidy" subsidizes out-of-pocket medical expenses for children under 18 years of age.



Subsidy for preschool enrollment



The "Subsidy for Preschool Enrollment Incentives" provides subsidies for private kindergarten enrollment and daycare fees.




Shizuoka Prefecture Immigration and Employment Assistance Program



In addition, the "Shizuoka Prefecture Migration and Employment Support Grant Program" provides up to 1 million yen to those who move from the Tokyo area to start a business, work, or continue teleworking.




Thanks to these support programs, the burden on children's education, medical care, and living expenses is reduced.




The children also enjoyed interacting with people in the community and made many friends.


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Yutorisuto Shizuoka was used as a reference.



Before moving to the area, I referred to "Yurisuto Shizuoka," Shizuoka Prefecture's information website on immigration and settling in the area.




There I was able to find information on vacant houses, jobs, and immigration support programs.




Immigration consultation and tours



We also participated in immigration consultations and tours.




By actually visiting the area and talking with the city hall and local people, my concerns and doubts about immigration were resolved.




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Mishima City is my second home.



It has been two years since we moved to Mishima, Shizuoka, and the city has now become our second home.




We enjoy a relaxed lifestyle, cherishing our connection with nature and people.




If you are interested in moving to Shizuoka Prefecture, please visit the area.




You will surely find it wonderfully attractive.




Since moving to Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture, I have been able to lead a fulfilling life at my own pace, whether it be through work, hobbies, or family time.




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Attractions of Mishima City that I have felt since I moved here.



In this issue, I would like to introduce some of the attractions of Mishima City that I have found since I moved here.




First, about my job, I work remotely.




Independence as a freelancer after immigration



I originally worked for an IT company, but after immigrating I became an independent freelancer.




Internet access is not a problem, and there are coworking spaces and cafes in Mishima City, so there is no need to worry about where to work.




Also, business trips to Tokyo are conveniently accessible by Shinkansen, and sightseeing can be enjoyed in one's spare time.




Since moving to the area, I have mainly worked remotely, which has given me more control over my time and work style.




I was able to start hobbies and studies that I could not easily do in the city.




For example, in Mishima City, visitors can enjoy climbing Mt. Fuji and Mt. Hakone, and on the Izu Peninsula, marine sports such as sea bathing and diving can be enjoyed.




Mishima City also has historical buildings and cultural facilities such as the Mishima Taisha Shrine and the Japan Peace Memorial Hall, where you can deepen your education.



I have more time to spend with my family.




The children attend local elementary and middle schools and get along well with their teachers and friends.




They participate in various events and club activities at school, and after school and on holidays, they play in the neighborhood park and at the river.




My wife and I also have many opportunities to interact with people in the community, participating in festivals and events and volunteering.




The local community is moderately large, warm and friendly.


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In Mishima City, you can enjoy climbing Mt. Fuji and Mt. Hakone




I started climbing mountains after I moved here.




I was never much of an athlete, but in Mishima City you can enjoy climbing Mt. Fuji and Mt. Hakone, and many people in the community also like to climb mountains.




So I decided to take up mountain climbing as a healthy hobby.




We started with easy courses, but gradually increased the difficulty and distance.




Although you may experience shortness of breath and sore muscles while climbing, the view from the top is impressive and gives you a sense of accomplishment.




Walking together with fellow climbers also strengthens friendships.




I now love to climb mountains and go out several times a month.



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Thoughts after two years of immigration



It has been two years since I moved to Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture, and this city has now become my second home.




We enjoy a relaxed lifestyle, cherishing our connection with nature and people.




If you are interested in moving to Shizuoka Prefecture, please visit the area.




After moving to Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture2Years have passed, and this city has now become my second home.




We enjoy a relaxed lifestyle, cherishing our connection with nature and people.




If you are interested in moving to Shizuoka Prefecture, please visit the area.



You will surely find it wonderfully attractive.


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