Recharge your energy at the power spot of Izuyama Shrine! Spectacular spot surrounded by nature

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Shizuoka Prefecture is blessed with abundant nature and many tourist attractions.



Spring and summer are particularly beautiful seasons, with warmer temperatures and more beautiful nature.



I recommend Izuyama Shrine in Atami City.


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Izuyama Shrine Features



The stage of love between Minamoto no Yoritomo and Hojo Masako



Izuyama Shrine is famous as the setting of the love story between Minamoto no Yoritomo, the first shogun of the Kamakura Shogunate, and Hojo Masako, and is popular as a god of marriage and love fulfillment as well as a strong luck protector.




The main shrine is located about 170 meters above sea level with a spectacular view of the Sagaminada Sea. As you climb the long stone steps up to the shrine grounds, you can enjoy a wonderful view of the Atami city and the sea.




Sanskrit mandala



In the precincts of the temple, there is a "Sanskrit mandala," which is said to have been embroidered by Hojo Masako, who removed her own hair.




In the Edo period (1603-1867), the shrine was called Izu Daigongen, and Ieyasu Tokugawa visited the shrine to pay his respects.




At Izuyama Shrine, visitors can buy amulets, pray for good luck, and enjoy the atmosphere of this historic shrine.




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Beautiful night view overlooking the city of Atami.




Because Izuyama Shrine is located halfway up the mountain, it offers a panoramic view of Atami city and a beautiful night view, making it a popular date spot for couples and families.




In spring and summer, the cherry blossoms around the shrine are in full bloom, providing even more beautiful scenery.




In addition, Izuyama Shrine is located halfway up a mountain, in an environment rich in nature.




Sacred tree famous as a power spot



Many trees and flowers are planted around the shrine, and visitors can enjoy a variety of flowers depending on the season.




The shrine also has a large torii gate and a sacred tree that is famous as a power spot.




When I visited Izuyama Shrine, the cherry blossoms were just in full bloom.




The area around the shrine was crowded with visitors.




The cherry petals dancing in the wind were like snow falling, a fantastic sight.




The shrine also offered the opportunity to undergo an exorcism, which was a refreshing experience for both body and soul.




Izuyama Shrine is suitable for nature lovers and those seeking a spiritual experience, as it offers a beautiful blend of nature and shrine.




It is also a popular date spot and can be enjoyed by couples and families.




Furthermore, the Cherry Blossom Festival is held in the spring and the annual Grand Festival in the fall.





Cherry Blossom Festival in spring




At Izuyama Shrine, a festival called "Sakura Matsuri" is held every spring.




This festival is very popular among locals and tourists alike, who come to admire the approximately 200 cherry trees in bloom on the grounds of Izuyama Shrine.




The Cherry Blossom Festival is usually held in late March or early April.




During the festival, the temple grounds are lit up at night to create a fantastic atmosphere.



A special food stall village is also set up in the precincts of the temple, where visitors can enjoy local delicacies and souvenirs.




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camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora)



The main attraction of the Cherry Blossom Festival is the "Ookusu tree" in front of the main shrine of Izuyama Shrine.




The tree is estimated to be over 2,000 years old and is one of the largest camphor trees in Shizuoka Prefecture.




During the Cherry Blossom Festival, the area around this camphor tree is specially illuminated to create a fantastic sight.





Cherry blossom ritual



During the Cherry Blossom Festival, a "Cherry Blossom Shinto Ceremony" is also held at the main shrine of Izuyama Shrine.




In this ritual, the priest offers a cherry blossom branch in front of the god, and visitors touch this branch to pray for the health of their families, business prosperity, and traffic safety.


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In the fall, an annual festival



At Izuyama Shrine, a festival called the "regular festival" is held every fall.




This festival is very popular among locals and tourists alike, as it is a festival dedicated to the deity Inari, the god of the Izuyama Shrine.




The annual festival is usually held in late October or early November.




During the festival, a special food stall village is set up in the precincts of the temple, where visitors can enjoy local delicacies and souvenirs.




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The Ancient Dance.



The main attraction of the annual festival is the "Ancient Dance" in front of the main shrine of Izuyama Shrine.




This ancient dance is a traditional dance passed down by the descendants of the Izuyama Shrine clansmen, and is carefully preserved as part of local traditional culture.




The highlight of the ancient dance is the dancers in gorgeous costumes dancing to the sound of drums and flutes played by the priests.





Shinto ritual for sake



During the annual festival, an "oshinshu no kamiji" is also held at the main shrine of Izuyama Shrine.




In this ritual, priests offer sake to the gods, and the priests and visitors drink the sake together to pray for good health, prosperous business, and family safety.




Highlights of the annual festival include the parade of portable shrines through the city and the gorgeous festival costumes worn by the locals.




In addition, many stalls are set up around the shrine where visitors can buy local foods and souvenirs.



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Directions to Izuyama Shrine




To get to Izuyama Shrine, you must first take a bus from Atami Station.




From Atami Station, take the Izuyama Shrine Line bus and get off at "Izuyama Jinja-mae".




The bus ride takes about 10 minutes.




Also, if you are driving, it takes about 20 minutes from the Hayakawa IC of the Seishon Bypass via Route 135.




There is a parking lot in front of Izuyama Shrine for those who drive.




From the Izuyama Jinja-mae bus stop, there are approximately 170 steps leading uphill.




However, the views are so spectacular that it is worth the effort to climb the stairs.




Izuyama Shrine is one of Atami's most famous landmarks, and is associated with Minamoto no Yoritomo and Hojo no Masako, as well as with the blessings of matchmaking,




It is loved by many tourists.



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Crowded season




Izuyama Shrine can be crowded during the cherry blossom season in spring and the annual autumn festival, when many people visit.




It is recommended to visit early in the day, especially during the cherry blossom season.




There are also many restaurants in the vicinity of the shrine, so visitors will have no trouble finding a place to eat or rest.




The most recommended point is to enjoy the beautiful scenery that combines nature and shrines.




It is recommended as a spot where you can feel the sacred atmosphere in nature and refresh your body and soul, so please come and visit.




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