Taste the truly delicious at "Oishi Farm Ham Kobo," a store specializing in handmade ham and sausages made using authentic German methods.

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Oishi Farm Ham Kobo, located in Okinosu, Kakegawa City, sells hams made using meat from pigs raised on the Oishi farm, which the owner raises himself, and produced using traditional German methods.




Here are some of the attractions and features of Oishi Farms Ham Studio, which is dedicated to taste, safety, and quality.




The handmade ham and sausage at the Oishi Farm Ham Studio tastes superb!



The ham and sausages handmade at Oishi Farm Ham Studio are highly regarded by many people for their great taste.




The pork is raised on the company's own farm in Kakegawa City and handcrafted by skilled artisans.




The quality of the meat is also carefully selected to ensure safety, including genetic modification.




You can also order from Oishi Farm Ham Kobo's online store, where you can easily order their special hams and sausages.




They are loved by people of all ages as gifts and for home use.




We invite you to try its great taste.



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How to bring out the true flavor of ingredients by taking advantage of their qualities




Check the meat for quality and fat and carefully select the right portion for the product.




Each pig has different quality and fat.




In order to take advantage of the quality of the ingredients and bring out their true flavor, the meat is carefully handcrafted by checking the quality of the meat and selecting the appropriate portion for each product.




Therefore, when our own pigs are in short supply, we use domestic pigs.




Basic spices are imported from Germany, but customized as needed.




The most important thing, however, is to "be yourself" and create something truly delicious.




We use authentic German spices and handmake our products by following authentic production methods.






New spices are added as needed, and trial and error and research are repeated daily.




Spices are the key to flavor and aroma.




This is one of our most important commitments.




Hickory is used for smoking.




It has a mild aroma and goes well with the material.




It is smoked slowly and mechanically in the workshop using hickory chips, which have a mild aroma.




The soft, mellow aroma and the sensation of the skin crackling in your mouth come from this smoking process.



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 There is terrace seating that allows large dogs to enter the restaurant, so you can enjoy the restaurant with your pets.





Oishi Farm Ham Kobo has a terrace where large dogs can enter and enjoy the restaurant with their pets.




The terrace seats face a courtyard where a fresh breeze blows, creating a sense of openness.




The pet-friendly atmosphere makes this a great place to bring your dog.




From the terrace seats, you can enjoy the view of Oishi Farm while tasting handmade ham, sausage, and roast beef.





Enjoy an extraordinary moment with your pet and eat delicious meat at Oishi Farm Ham Kobo.




Of course, please be sure to behave in a manner that does not inconvenience the people around you when you go with your pets.



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The meat from the pigs raised at Oishi Farm in Okinosu, Kakegawa City, is highly regarded by the local community.





The meat from the pigs raised at Oishi Farm in Okinosu, Kakegawa City, is highly regarded by the local community.




The pork offered at Oishi Farm Ham Kobo is thoroughly controlled from the environment in which it is raised to the quality of the meat.




This commitment has earned us a high reputation in the community.




Pork raised in Okinosu, Kakegawa City, has a rich flavor and fine taste.




The hams and sausages offered at Oishi Farm Ham Studio are handmade using this high-quality pork.




This is one of the reasons why we are supported by many customers from all over the country as well as locals.




You can enjoy the taste of meat that is highly appreciated by the local community at home.



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We also recommend the take-out style to be enjoyed with fresh greenery.




In addition to delicious ham and sausages, Oishi Farm Ham Kobo also offers other recommended menu items that can be enjoyed in take-out style.




Try Oishi Farm's meat on the terrace surrounded by fresh greenery.




The take-out style makes it easy to enjoy delicious meat even on busy days.




I can wholeheartedly recommend the products of Oishi Farms Ham Studio, which is committed to safety and quality.



Be sure to enjoy the pork meat raised at Oishi Farm in Okinosu, Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture, which is highly regarded by the locals.




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