Mysterious creatures from the deep sea! Numazu Port Deep Sea Aquarium Coelacanth Museum

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In this issue, we will introduce the Numazu Port Deep Sea Aquarium Coelacanth Museum in Numazu City, Shizuoka Prefecture.




The aquarium is known for its exhibit of the coelacanth, one of the world's largest deep-sea creatures.




The museum also focuses on the ecology of deep-sea creatures, research and conservation activities, and is full of other attractions.




The facility also incorporates scientific elements such as topographic models of the Japan Trench and the Pacific Plate, as well as a full-scale model exhibit of the deep-sea robot "Shinkai 6500.




Come visit and meet these deep-sea creatures!





Visit the Numazu Port Deep Sea Aquarium Coelacanth Museum to experience the mysteries of deep-sea life.



Numazu Port Deep Sea Aquarium Coelacanth Museum offers visitors a rare opportunity to experience the mysteries of deep-sea life.




The aquarium exhibits more than 3,000 animals of about 2,000 species, including creatures caught in Numazu Port and deep-sea creatures from around the world.




Tourists can learn about the unique appearance of deep-sea life, how it evolved, and the survival strategies of creatures living in the deep sea.




In addition, during lights-out hours, a light show is held in which creatures float in the darkness of the deep sea, allowing visitors to feel the mystery of deep-sea life even more.




The aquarium is ideal for a family outing or for learning in a science class.



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Introduction to the Coelacanth Museum, where you can learn about deep-sea life




Numazu Port Deep Sea Aquarium Coelacanth Museum is a valuable place to learn about deep-sea life.




By providing exhibits and information, visitors are exposed to the mysteries of deep-sea life.




In particular, the exhibition of frozen specimens of coelacanths is the first of its kind in the world and will provide visitors with a new understanding of deep-sea life.




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Exhibits and information about the creatures that live in the deep sea of Numazu Port




The Numazu Port Deep Sea Aquarium Coelacanth Museum offers a wealth of exhibits and information about the creatures that live in the deep sea of Numazu Port.




Here, many mysterious creatures that live in the deep sea, where light does not reach, are on display for the enjoyment of both children and adults.




Inside the museum, explanatory panels provide detailed information on the characteristics and ecology of deep-sea creatures.





Unsolved mysteries and interesting trivia about deep-sea life.




The Numazu Port Deep Sea Aquarium Coelacanth Museum introduces unsolved mysteries and interesting trivia about deep-sea life.




For example, the deep-sea giant tortoise beetle uses a light-emitting organ deep inside its body to intimidate enemies.




Some organisms found on the deep ocean floor have also been found to have a very slow aging process.




And some species of deep-sea creatures communicate visually by emitting light.




You will be fascinated by the mysteries of the deep sea through the amazing trivia of these deep-sea creatures and the mysteries yet to be uncovered.




When you visit the Numazu Port Deep Sea Aquarium Coelacanth Museum, please learn about the types and characteristics of deep-sea life.




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The aquarium constantly exhibits more than 100 species, ranging from Suruga Bay, the deepest bay in Japan, to deep-sea creatures from around the world.




The Numazu Port Deep Sea Aquarium Coelacanth Museum constantly exhibits more than 100 species of deep-sea life from Suruga Bay, the deepest bay in Japan, and around the world.




You can see not only rare creatures, but also the popular Mendako (octopus).




Because the ecology of deep-sea organisms is unknown in many respects, the exhibition is a trial-and-error process.





Numazu Port Deep Sea Aquarium Coelacanth Museum, full of deep-sea life




Numazu Port Deep Sea Aquarium exhibits deep-sea creatures from around the world, and always welcomes visitors with more than 100 species.




Also on display are three stuffed coelacanths that have lived for 350 million years.




Creatures living in the deep sea are unknown to us.




Visitors can deepen their knowledge of deep-sea life by learning about the ecology and habits of the creatures on display.




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Did you know that Suruga Bay is the deepest in the world?




I mentioned that the Numazu Port Deep Sea Aquarium Coelacanth Museum has more than 100 species of deep-sea life from around the world on display at any given time,




One of the most notable features is Suruga Bay, one of the habitats of the creatures on display.




Suruga Bay is a whopping 2,500 meters deep at its deepest point, making it the deepest bay in the world.




Because of its depth, it is home to many rare deep-sea creatures, some of which are on display at the Numazu Port Deep Sea Aquarium Coelacanth Museum.




If you are interested in experiencing the mysteries of deep-sea life, why not visit this aquarium, which knows that Suruga Bay is the deepest in the world?



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Frozen specimens of coelacanths can be seen at the Coelacanth Museum, the first of its kind in the world.




At the Numazu Port Deep Sea Aquarium Coelacanth Museum, visitors can see the world's first frozen specimens of coelacanths.




This rare specimen provides important information on the ecology of coelacanths, which are difficult to study because of their deep-sea habitat.




For those interested in coelacanths, the Coelacanth Museum is a must-see.




In addition, the show held at this facility allows visitors to experience the mysteries of the deep sea through a light show in which creatures living in the deep sea are brought to life.





Coelacanths are a rare and globally known species of fish.




Because they live in the deep sea, they remain a mystery and continue to be studied.




The Coelacanth Museum, located in a hot spring facility that gathers information about such coelacanths, displays the world's first frozen specimens of coelacanths.




Visitors can gain a new understanding of deep-sea life by seeing real coelacanths.





For those interested in the mysteries of the coelacanth and those interested in natural science, this is a must-see place.




Coelacanths are a rare species of deep-sea fish and are well known worldwide.




Many mysteries still remain and research continues.




Witnessing these precious specimens will give you a new understanding of deep-sea life.




Visitors should not miss this place for those interested in the natural sciences and the mysteries of the coelacanth.




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At lights-out time, visitors can also enjoy a light show in which creatures float in the darkness of the deep sea.




At lights-out time, the Numazu Port Deep Sea Aquarium Coelacanth Museum will hold a light show in which creatures float in the darkness of the deep sea.




Creatures living in the deep sea, where light does not reach, use their own luminescence to lure prey and communicate with their friends.




In this show, you can see creatures of various colors and shapes floating in the dark, glimmering in the light.




The beauty of the creatures, made more luminous by the light, is unforgettable.




Everyone from children to adults can enjoy Numazu Port Deep Sea Aquarium Coelacanth Museum.




Experience the mystery of the deep sea and create precious memories.


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