Impressions of "TEA TIME BROTHERS" Shizuoka Flavored Tea as a Souvenir

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A souvenir from Shizuoka Prefecture that I was very happy to receive from a friend was [TEA TIME BROTHERS].




I would like to introduce a series of Japanese black teas that I was pleasantly surprised to receive.




TEA TIME BROTHERS is apparently a product available at a place called Mura no Eki in Shizuoka, and it comes in tea packet form and is a black tea produced in Shizuoka Prefecture.




I received TEA TIME BROTHERS as a gift because my friend knew I had always liked tea and gave me a series of teas.




There are 5 tea packets in each packet, and the price is probably equivalent to 648 yen per packet.




TEA TIME BROTHERS black tea is a great souvenir from Shizuoka Prefecture.




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This tea is very fragrant, and because the tea leaves themselves contain fruit peels and other ingredients, they turn very colorful.




Colorfully changing black tea



Normally, black tea without acidity would be darker in color, but this black tea leaf, which is probably due to the fruit component, has an element of enjoyment in that it changes from a darker hue at first to a lighter hue.




The package is nice.



The packaging itself is also somewhat aimed at a receptive audience, making it a perfect souvenir to give to a third party to dispel the image that green tea is the only thing to be found in Shizuoka.




Of course, zero calories if you don't add sugar.



Incidentally, the tea from TEA TIME BROTHERS is a zero-calorie, caffeine-free product, unless you add sugar to your tea yourself, in which case the calorie content will be zero.




TEA TIME BROTHERS teas can be purchased either online or at a location called Murano Station in Shizuoka.




It seemed easy to obtain the product itself, as it could be purchased over the Internet.




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Ginger ale type tea



TEA TIME BROTHERS has many series of black tea. First of all, I have the impression that the ginger ale type black tea has a ginger aroma and bitterness, and is a good match for other teas.




However, the taste of ginger ale type black tea became extremely astringent as soon as it cooled down, so this tea seemed to be the type of tea that always kept its warm state.




Apple Flavor Type Tea



Next, as for the apple flavor type tea, my honest impression is that it is an apple tea, and the aroma is like a delicious black tea even after waking up with a nice apple aroma.




Caramel flavored type of tea



Another type of black tea with a caramel flavor gives the impression that you are drinking black tea but smelling pudding, which is a strange sensation.




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Shelf life and storage methods



Note that this souvenir has a shelf life that is much shorter than that of regular tea products, which can last up to a year.




Perhaps, but I expect that because it contains flavors, it has a shorter shelf life than the type of tea that contains only tea leaves.




Still, a shelf life of one year exists, and if the product is not exposed to sunlight and not removed from the bag, it will not deteriorate that much.




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Storing them in the freezer is an absolute no-no.




However, one thing you should never do is store it in the freezer.




I used to think that if tea leaves were kept in the freezer, they would not deteriorate, but I was wrong. If tea leaves are stored in the freezer and tea bags are stored in the freezer, the tea leaves absorb moisture from other ingredients, so the tea leaves are frozen with moisture in them and deteriorate a great deal.




Moreover, never store tea blades in the freezer, because deteriorated tea leaves have a transferred odor and smell of some other foodstuff.




The extra tea in the tea bag can be cut open with scissors and the tea leaves can be removed for use in pastries.



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Japanese black tea is flavored, so it goes extremely well with baking, and after enjoying the tea, you can take apart the remaining tea bags of black tea leaves and take out the tea.




It could be reused if used in cooking and was delicious to eat.




Perfect for muffins and pound cake and pancakes.



So, as an arrangement, instead of drinking the tea as it is by pouring hot water over it, I dare to break down the tea bags and take out the tea leaves and flavors inside and use them in cakes, and I found that they go very well together. In the case of the ginger type tea bags, the spiciness blends with the sweetness specific to cakes and is a very good flavor.




The honey of the pancakes and the spiciness of the ginger seemed to go well together, and as for the aroma of caramel, it went extremely well with the pancakes, so using tea blades as an ingredient in the pancakes is my personal way of arranging the souvenirs.




TEA TIME BROTHERS Japanese black tea series contains 5 tea bags in one bag, so you can enjoy black tea by arranging the remaining several items.




Store Information


Store name Izu, Village Station


Address: 322-1 Yasuhisa, Mishima-shi, Shizuoka-ken 411-0815


Phone number 0120-54-0831


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