Sunset Hill Campground is highly recommended, where you can enjoy a panoramic view of the Izu Sea while soaking up the morning sun!

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We recommend the Sunset Hill Campground in Nishi-Izu.




There are many different high-standard campgrounds when it comes to camping spots, and while the most famous, Fumotohara Campground, is nice, Sunset Hill Campground is recommended for those who want to camp on the ocean side.




Yuhigaoka Campsite



It is located on a hill and overlooks the ocean while camping. The sunrise and sunset are very beautiful and if the weather is clear, the view is spectacular.




Hot water is also available in the cooking area



Of course, cars are allowed to drive in, and the cooking area has hot water, so it is safe even in winter.




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Garbage and charcoal can be thrown away.



There is a place to dispose of garbage and charcoal so you can finish camping without taking it home.




When you arrive, you will first be made to watch a video for an explanation from the staff.




After that, you will be given a brief information sheet and explanation before heading to your plot.




There is a small concession stand where you can purchase drinks and desserts from the Sunset Hill Campground.




Because of the proximity of the ocean here, on windy days the campground may be closed, tarps may be set up, and campfires may be prohibited, but it depends on the time of year.




If the campground is closed due to windy conditions, refunds will be given.





The wind strength and campground conditions will be posted on our website from time to time so you can watch and check.




The campground itself is gravel and divided into sections by ropes.




The plots are like a staircase, so you will be able to enjoy the view in any of the plots.




Different plots have different shapes and sizes, so you should consider the number of people, the size of your tent, and the size of your car when making a reservation.




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Plots for solo campers



There are also plots for solo campers, which can be a bit blind, so that one person can enjoy it.




Even if the plots were not designed for solo campers, there were many people who actually came alone.




If there are no other plots in front of you, it is difficult to get a reservation for the popular plots overlooking the ocean, but if you can get one, the view is spectacular.




Children and dogs are welcome.



Children are allowed, but I got the impression that there are basically no small children here, so it is a quiet environment in which to enjoy camping.




By the way, dogs are also fine.




Reservations should be made on the web, and you should reserve popular plots early.




It was the first place my husband and I went camping together in mid-March.




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Warmth is a must.



It is important to keep warm in Izu because of the cold weather near the sea.




We didn't have a stove, so we rented one just in case, but in mid-March we didn't need one.




We took the second most popular plot and put up only tents, not tarps.




There was plenty of space, and although there were other campers on both sides of us, we didn't notice any noise.




I slept quietly at night.




It is also elevated and gravel, so insects are not a concern.




If you don't like insects, I would still prefer a higher ground.




The stove rental fee is not expensive on top of a full tank of oil, so if you don't have one, I think it would be safe to rent one.




The rental itself is selected at the time of the web reservation, and the receptionist will bring it to the plot on the day of the rental and show you how to use it.




After use, they can be left in their compartments and the staff will clean them up for you with no hassle.




Firewood is also sold on the spot if you forget to bring it, and it is not incredibly expensive.




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Shopping for food is recommended near your home or at a roadside station.




There are no convenience stores or supermarkets within walking distance, and even those within driving distance are a bit expensive, so it is better to do your grocery shopping near your home or at a roadside station.




Access is inconvenient without a car, but I think that campers will have a car, so I think it will be fine.




Some people came to Kojika amp by motorcycle.




The entrance to the campground is a bit confusing and there is only one sign at the entrance, so you may pass by it.




Depending on the direction you are coming from, you may not even see the entrance sign, so it would be better to use your navigation system and drive slowly when you get close.




The staff at the campground is friendly and will be happy to help you if you have any questions.




It is a nearby restaurant, but the campground itself is on high ground, so there is nothing around, tat is a bit of a 30 minute drive from the campground,




There are restaurants where you can enjoy delicious and inexpensive seafood bowls and fried food set menus.






This place was featured on "Bananaman no Sekkarugurume" (Banana Man's Gourmet), and although the prices seem to have gone up a bit now, it is very tasty.




It is said that campers at the Yuhigaoka Campground often visit this restaurant, and there are quite a few campers in the restaurant.




When we went, we ordered the much talked about mini kaisendon, mini fry set meal, and dessert for a little over 1000 yen.





This set is only available from 11am to 2pm and is not on the menu, but can be ordered by asking the waiter.




There is a lot of word-of-mouth on this.




The regular menu is not expensive, but since the portions are larger, lunch is a better option because you can eat half and half.




You may want to go there for lunch when you go to the campground or when you return from the campground.




Izu has many sightseeing spots, so you will be able to enjoy not only camping but also hot springs and sightseeing before returning home.



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